dangerous criminal

美 [ˈdeɪndʒərəs ˈkrɪmɪnl]英 [ˈdeɪndʒərəs ˈkrɪmɪnl]
  • 危险罪犯
dangerous criminaldangerous criminal
  1. They force the release of dangerous criminal aliens from prisons and jails , including drug traffickers and dealers , responsible for the deaths of countless Americans .


  2. His landlady had treated him like a dangerous criminal , a pariah .


  3. the most dangerous criminal mind the world has ever seen ,


  4. Discussion on the Necessity to Establish Dangerous Criminal of Environmental Crime


  5. He was shut up for life as a dangerous criminal .


  6. Research on the Danger of Dangerous Criminal


  7. The man is a dangerous criminal .


  8. He is a dangerous criminal quick on the trigger .


  9. On the Concept of Dangerous Criminal


  10. A dangerous criminal ; a dangerous bridge ; unemployment reached dangerous proportions .


  11. Known as the black beast , this dangerous criminal has kidnapped


  12. Dangerous Criminal negligence is at fault because of a crime , so is its subjective fault .


  13. In tracking down and apprehending this dangerous criminal .


  14. He is a dangerous criminal after all , and I just couldn 't bear it if anyone hurt you .


  15. Reconstruct the constitutive elements of crime theory of the environmental crime , aggravate the regulation that made to the environmental dangerous criminal .


  16. will block federal grants to jurisdictions that shield dangerous criminal aliens from being turned over to federal law enforcement .


  17. Dangerous Criminal negligence by leaps and bounds and Dangerous Criminal negligence committed two areas , is the fault committed with a combination of Dangerous Criminal .


  18. At the same time , we are conducting enforcement actions across the country to remove dangerous criminal aliens from our society - and they 'll be gone .


  19. The An Ninh Thu Do ( Capital Security ) newspaper described Tam as a " dangerous criminal " on the national wanted list .


  20. ' You are a dangerous criminal , ' said the Judge . ' You stole a valuable motor-car , and you drove like a madman .


  21. He holds that character in the field of criminal law is performed as a dangerous criminal character , and the juvenile delinquency is caused by the combination of the dangerous criminal character and the crime factor .


  22. To the prison guards he was a dangerous criminal , but to me he was an un-fortunate man , who had at least some goodness in him . I could not leave him now .


  23. The difference between the criminal of behavior and the dangerous criminal is that the completion of the dangerous criminal cannot depart the judgement of the dangerous state after the behavior , and the state is concret ;


  24. Dangerous Criminal negligence is the object of public safety violations , objective performance as a serious breach of duty of care , not cause harm to specific people or specific majority of the life , health and major public and private property of the serious risk behavior .


  25. Of misconduct may result in serious harm to the public interest the case of danger , can learn the theory of Dangerous Criminal Law , appears to jeopardize the livelihood of the public interest involved in the risk of a crime of dereliction of duty identified as non-material losses .


  26. Based on the dilemma in judicatory practice , the refutable criminal presumption can be applied to the demarcation of the constitutive conditions of dangerous driving criminal behavior .


  27. Re-explain Dangerous Action of Criminal Law


  28. Its necessary to establish the negligent dangerous crimes in environmental criminal law .


  29. The crime of dangerous driving is an abstract dangerous criminal that allows to be disproofed .


  30. The first is introducing the relevant charges and its characteristics , and then differentiate , dangerous driving is the crime of abstract dangerous criminal , crime of traffic accident is negligence , dangerous to approach the crime of endangering public safety is the concrete dangerous criminal .
